melACTION 2023: Meeting highlights

melACTION 2023: Meeting highlights

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On the 8th September 2023, a panel with a wide variety of specialities and experience gathered in London for an educational melanoma meeting, titled Join the melanoma MDT to discuss: Evolving roles & patient pathways with adjuvant immunotherapy.

Oncologists, Dermatologists, Nurses, Pharmacists and Surgeons attended to join the conversation, chaired by Dr Heather Shaw. The day focused on facilitating practice sharing and explored different models of care within adjuvant melanoma treatment.

Meeting objectives:

On this page you can find useful resources and insights from the day. Please see the Highlights report for full speaker and agenda details, and session summaries.

KEYTRUDA as monotherapy is indicated for:1

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 “I thought it was really fun. What I took from it is the importance of walking through the melanoma pathway with other peers, thinking about the fact that the disease is not linear and it has lots of people involved in different stages, and highlighting the importance of using the same language with the ultimate goal of making life and management easier for patients” – Dr Ricky Frazer, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Cardiff University

Listen to the melACTION chair, leading Oncologist Dr Heather Shaw, discuss her learnings from the meeting

“Today’s meeting will definitely impact on how I collaborate with my colleagues from now on. There was a lot of information that we received, for example the importance of liaising with the plastic surgeons and oncologists, that gave me a great idea on how to improve the patient journey”– Nangisai Rungwandi, Melanoma CNS, Luton and Dunstable University Hospital

Mr Amer Durrani, Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, on his melACTION highlights

“Meetings like this are important because Clinicians and Specialist Nurses unfortunately don’t have the time to keep up to date with all the information out there… this time is important to reflect and learn about developments in melanoma management, and be conscientious and prepared to offer our patients the best possible care” – Keith Wu, Consultant Dermatologist, York Teaching Hospital

Dr Khushboo Sinha gives the Dermatologist’s perspective on the melACTION meeting

Click to download the melACTION highlights report, including:


  1. KEYTRUDA Summary of Product Characteristics.

Supporting documentation

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